This was our Christmas tree's last year in our home! I don't know if it's because it's 5 years old or from the recent move but half our lights worked and it's time to trade it in! Daddy wanted to go get another artificial tree but Mommy would like to have a real tree for a few years! Alexa has many memories of the Christmas tree farm and all the fun that comes with, so I wanted Addi and Ella to share some of the same memories for a while!!
Christmas Eve we woke up to a North Pole Breakfast that Sparkle surprised us with! I couldn't believe how excited you girls were! woke up and made it down the hall first and said.."Oh, Addi, look what Sparkle did for us!" I think she wanted to make her last day with us very special!.....and did she ever!
Sparkle surprised us by decorating our table and turning it into such a yummy North Pole breakfast with sugar donuts, cookies, and of course hot chocolate in Mommy's snow man mugs!! Thank you Sparkle for all the many mornings we woke up to you and thank you for all this yummy *sugar*!
After we ate breakfast Daddy ran a quick errand and came home with many Christmas Eve surprises! He brought home a movie for each of you girls to watch while Mommy baked and finished wrapping presents! Mommy asked Daddy to pick me up a coffee while he was out and he surprised me with the best coffee ever for many mornings to come....a Keurig! Thank you Daddy!
Later that night we went to Aunt Rhonda's for our Russell Christmas! The Russell family has exploded with new cousins!! Most of them are boys but a precious baby girl, Harley, was born December 26 so she will add to the girls!
A few years ago Mommy started a new tradition for Christmas Eve! Each of my girls open one gift which is your Christmas Pajamas you will wear Christmas Eve! Some years it's hard to find pajamas to match your older sister, Lex, but I think it works out pretty good! Y'all are all excited every year to see what your new pajamas will look like!
Mommy tried taking a picture of Lex in her new pajamas but she was busy in her room putting up her gifts from the Russell Christmas but I did take a quick picture of her opening them.
We have also started the last few years decorating a Gingerbread house right before bed on Christmas Eve! Y'all have so much fun decorating, tasting, and tasting some more!
Two things that are never forgotten are making sure Santa Clause and his reindeer have their snacks from the Russell Family! This year Dee Dee surprised us with such a sweet surprise! She gave us a treasured Santa plate and mug for Santa Clause to eat his cookies off of! This will be a piece displayed in our new home every year with precious memories! Thank you Dee Dee!!
We also got out the reindeer food we made for Santa's reindeer! We added something special so it would glisten in the nights sky that way Santa wouldn't miss our house!
Every Christmas Eve Dee Dee took a picture just like this of Mommy and Uncle Sean waiting on Santa! Mommy hasn't missed a Christmas Eve yet!
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mouse
Y'all both decided to sleep in Ella's bed to look out her window for Santa!
Alexa Rae, when you were little and to this day...I have to wake you up on Christmas morning and both of your little sisters have followed in your foot steps! Mommy and Daddy hope one year we can hear the tip tap of little feet down the hall and listen in our bed of all the excitement but for now I have to wake all of you up..including Daddy!
This year...I woke y'all up saying.."I wonder if Santa came??" Both little girls jumped up and as soon as Addi rounded the corner to the living room her first words were..."Actually, YES HE DID COME!" Then all the excitement started! One evening right before Christmas Mommy and Daddy went shopping for Alexa and when we got home we took Addi and Ella to see Chipwrecked but Mommy left the keys to my suburban at home and of course when I got home I realised that my sweet teenager saw every gift we got her!! Oh well, at least she loves her gifts....
Merry Christmas my precious Angels!
Addi Grace |
Ella Jo |
Alexa Rae |
Santa ate every bit of his cookies! I wonder if he shared with Sparkle?
As soon as we are finished all opening presents Mommy gets busy in the kitchen while my angels play with their new toys! When we are all ready, we pick out our favorite toy, and then head to Dee Dee's house then Pop Paw & Mim's house for Christmas!
Merry Christmas at Dee Dee's
Merry Christmas at Pop Paw & Mims
All the grand girls!
Baby Emmy's first Christmas
Y'all just love Uncle Drew!
Aunt Bo is loved a bunch too!
When Aunt Kathryn was just a little girl and we were all getting tucked in bed one Christmas Eve and as we were getting kisses from Mims she said.."Momma, is tonight the night he flies?" Mims replied..."Oh, Kathryn, yes! it's tonight and I will never forget how precious that was!" I remember thinking...I don't want to forget this either and every Christmas Mommy reminds Aunt Kathryn how precious she was that Christmas Eve! I hope my girls will have certain little memories of sweet words shared! Although Mommy wants to freeze time I know we will all have so much fun reflecting on all the Holidays before! The day after Christmas we then head to Maw Maw & Jo Jo's for Christmas but guess what...Mommy forgot her camera! I will capture another trip to our special town with Maw Maw!
Ella, you kept saying..."This is the best Christmas ever!" I think you say that with every holiday and that's just one more way you are so thankful and precious to Mommy's heart! Several days after Christmas Ella asked Mommy ..." Mommy, when I get to Heaven ...will baby Jesus still be in His Manger?" Oh Ella, how innocent you are! I told you that Jesus grew up to be a strong young man and you then said.."Like Daddy?"
Alexa Rae, I don't think I've seen you sinse Christmas...I don't know if it's because your making the most of your break or if it's your new iphone Santa brought you!
Addi Grace, you are making this time of year so much fun! Sparkle is missed but so many toys are being played with all day... I think that helps!
The miracle that happened on that very first Christmas was all about family! Family is what we are made of, where we have come, and where we are going! I'm so thankful for all of our families but especially thankful for this amazing family God has blessed me with! I'm so proud of our Russell family and can't wait for all the magical Christmas mornings to come...Happy Birthday Jesus~