Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fireflies & Divas

A new game for the Russell Girls

Your mommy is so very excited to post about Soccer! First, I will have to explain how this new adventure started....
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jason bought a new house and were cleaning out everything. They gave ya'll tons of clothes and toys. One toy they gave y'all was a soccer ball!! Both of you started kicking it around in the back yard until one day Ella Jo asked if we could sign her up for soccer! Daddy and I both were excited and couldn't say YES fast enough! On our way to sign up Addi Grace asked if she could sign up for soccer too! We were kind of surprised for Addi's desire to learn about soccer and play with other people but ofcourse we signed both our girls up!!
Daddy nor Mommy knows anything about the sport. NOTHING We were both eager to learn and jumped straight in!! We bought all our things needed..soccer socks, shorts, balls, bags, etc.
Practices were starting and both of you girls were in love! Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more excited! Then games...

Ella Jo

Ella Jo, you love practices...games? not really! Every practice you did so good but mommy thinks the games made you a little scared. You didn't understand that when another girl (from the other team) had the ball that you needed to take it from her. My sweet baby, we've always taught you to not take toys and to share..then we throw you on a soccer field and try to tell you all bets are off and take that ball!! You made a few goals  and one was in the other teams side....that's ok though! (mommy still counted it)
Running, sweating, and being aggresive was not your cup of tea and you would run to your coach and ask if it was your turn to be out...mommy still laughs about that! Your favorite part was one of your very best friends was on your team!
 We will see if you would like to play in the fall?? The jury is still out for now..

Addi Grace
Diamond Divas

My sweet Addi Grace, I do believe other than horses, you have found a new love! Mommy has to explain a little bit so y'all will know why I cried like a baby your first game! (this doesn't surprise anyone)
Ever since you were born you have been shy! You don't want any attention brought to yourself what so ever. Just like your daddy I have to say. Mommy would talk to a wall, so sometimes your shy bugs are hard for me to understand until your daddy explains what you're feeling to me. Little Leauge Cheer, cheer clinics, school plays, etc you refuse to particiapte in. I've tried but you shut down when it comes time to cheer, sing, or say your part in a play in front of people. It doesn't matter if you know them or not. So, the morning of your first game I was a little nervous for you and was waiting on you to come sit by me and refuse to get up and play.....Your mommy and daddy couldn't have been more surprised!!
One time and one time only you will let those shy bugs go, and that's when you are on a horse....now I can add soccer to your list! Not only did you play...you played well! We yelled for you and you waved as you ran past me! The second those soccer shoes hit the field you had a smile that made all the grass glow! You not only learned every part of the game you even wanted to play when it was time for Ella's game...Yes, my girls, your mom had her happy tears streaming down her face and I couldn't stop them! (Daddy made fun of me) The coach always asked who needed a break and you would yell back..."Not Me!!" You were aggresive and would block with not only your feet but arms as well! I have to say, your mommy didn't recognize that little girl! But..on the soccer field I kinda like her!!

Awesome new memories my angels!! I think soccer has opened many doors and your mommy can't wait to see inside! I love watching y'all in dance and anything else y'all will do but there is something about sports that I adore watching!! I can't wait for more to come~

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