Friday, November 15, 2013

Ella's Under The Sea Party

Happy 5th Birthday Ella Jo

5 years Miss. Ella Jo...that's how many years you have been blessing us so far with just how amazing you are! You are my out going silly girl. You're always trying to make people laugh and entertain. Lord help us because I'm pretty sure you are headed in the same direction as your oldest sister. If so, what an amazing and fun time we will have! You have the sweetest heart and never want to upset anyone! I'm so excited to finaly post these pictures from your party that was in May!! We had so much fun planning this party because it was many shades of Blue! We never have a "blue" party in our house! A couple days before your party it was raining off and on...and the news said that the day of your party there was a 100% chance of rain. Mommy kept saying it was NOT going to rain and yet again...prayers were answered because a couple hours before your party the rain stopped and the sun was bright and beautiful!! We had such an amazing time and you had so many friends come to your party and make it super special for you! I hope I can post all the pictures to show just how much fun we had Under The Sea....

One of your party favors for your friends was Ela's Bubble Bath

We served your friends many  treats from the Sea....
Sushi, Clams, Sand Dollars, Edible Sand, and Sea Water
All of your sweet guests ate it all up and who would've thought that sand would be so yummy?

You had an amazing time my angel! You sat with your friends to eat your Under The Sea snacks and ran around all evening playing until you were worn out! We couldn't have asked for a better day and better friends to celebrate with.

Starfish Wands

Surronded by amazing friends and family makes the perfect day! Mommy always gets a little sad after each party...for a couple reasons. One is that even if your birthday was a few weeks before your party I have to officialy say your birthday is over once the party ends. Also, the fun times of planning another party has come to an end. But!! We soon get to the next one! What a fun day this was my Ella Jo...You are our angel God has loaned us and we will continue to thank Him for all of your blessings! Thank you for wonderful memories Under The Sea~

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