Sunday, November 4, 2012

Meet the teacher & Back to school

Mrs. Williams Pre-K 4

My big girl! You are in Pre-K 4 and your mommy can't believe it! This is your last year home and not in big school! I know you see your other sisters going to their big school and you can't wait but mommy just isn't letting go anytime soon! You are my baby, and in your mommy's heart, will always be!
You stayed at the same pre-school, Presbyterian Day School. Mommy and Daddy had to do a lot of praying because we weren't sure if we wanted you to go to Community like your sister did or stay at First Pres. We were so happy at both places and after lots of praying we decided to stay at First Pres. mommy has told daddy several times how we have made the right choice! Not only are you learning so very much but you just love your teacher and all your friends! You always have peace with a big decision when you go to Christ in prayer asking for his help...please remember that my angels!
Ella Jo, you were very excited to see your new room and see who was going to be in your class! You were also excited that you had a big girl binder just like your big sister...

Mrs. Beatty 1st Grade

Addi Grace, my big first grader, you were so excited when we found out Mrs. Beatty was your teacher! Mommy and Daddy were praying all summer we would be blessed with her all year and He answered our prayers again! You were so excited when we went to the school to drop off all supplies and meet your teacher I think you would have stayed there easily. Such a big girl room too! All the new things you are going to learn and new responsibilities. Mommy can't wait to see what the year brings Addi Grace!! 

First Day Of School 2012

Addi, you were the first one out the door this morning! Daddy was working days this day so mommy got up extra early to make sure all the first day jitters were starting to pass before leaving. Everything went so smooth and I think all of us were so excited to start the new chapter of the and everything that comes with it! I know this year is going to be so amazing with your sweet teacher Addi Grace. Mommy can't wait to get up to your school and do all I can to help! I couldn't help but think about this time last year when I was walking you down the Kindergarten hall for the very first time and all the excitement you had and all the emotions your mommy had! Here we are again but first grade and oh so soon! I can't wait my baby! You've got such beautiful wings and your mommy can't wait to see how far they will fly! 

Next out the door...

Off to pre-k you go Ella Jo! I think you were more excited than both your sisters put together! You will be going to pre-k everyday till 11:30. You are wanting to stay all day till 2:00 so mommy signed you up to stay on Mondays and Fridays...but I don't think I can let go of you all day just yet!
 I'm so amazed at everything you will be learning this year! I can't wait to see you grow my sweet baby! 

Out the door...for the last time

Okay, Alexa Rae, your mom will have to dip her toe in the water and talk about how this was your last first day of school! Since your a big girl and have enough credits to graduate you are allowed to go to school at a later time and can sleep in. The morning went like all the other first days of school, getting ready, texting, make up, texting, hair, texting, and if time a little more texting! You looked so beautiful in your new clothes for your Senior Year! When I dropped you off I was trying so hard not to let my mind wonder but it did...not far though. I thought about the first time I ever dropped you off at the high school and it really felt just like 2 years before...not 4! Four years ago your mom looked around at such a big school so many different buildings and so many big kids (teenagers) walking around and talking to friends. They all looked so big....well, my sweet senior, you fit right in now. As bad as I didn't want it to happen or at least happen so did happen. You're beautiful and I just can't wait to see what this great big world has for you my angel.....Dive in~

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