Sunday, November 4, 2012

Two Birthdays * Two Sweet Girls


Your mom doesn't know how that number 1 got in front of the 7? I tried to prepare myself before you were born on how fast you will grow! I tried to cherish every little milestone no matter how small! I'm so glad I did because I blinked my eyes and now I see a beautiful young woman on the inside and out! When you make certain facial expressions or laugh a real deep laugh I still see my sweet seven year old playing with her Barbies! When we are having deep conversations or when your mom is learning a lesson from her sound minded seventeen year old I see the beautiful young woman you have become. You honestly couldn't make us any more proud! We love you so very much and....your mom is still holding on tight.
I know your Birthdays are on the same day...and I know I need to get used to it...still trying. With early planning and celebrating traditions together it all seems to work out every year and we get special time with each birthday girl! 


This year Addi Grace, while your big sister was celebrating at an Italian resturant with friends, we took you to celebrate turning six at one of your favorite places...Chuck E Cheese! With all the games, pizza, tickets, tokens, prizes, candy...I don't know which one is your favorite? We had tons of fun where a kid can be a kid and then on the way home we stopped for ice cream! Such a fun night my angel. Thank you so much for the past 6 years! I think mommy is going to try to slow everything down as much as she can. I know how soon it will be before adding a 1 in front of that 6 just like Lex! 

Lex and Blaise

Sweet birthdays for two sweet girls! Your mommy and daddy love both of you more than y'all will ever know! Happy Birthday my angels....Looking forward to many many more~

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