Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More Than Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

thanks pl. n. grateful feelings or thoughts; gratitude: a heart full of thanks for our escape.

Thankful doesn't begin to describe how I'm feeling. Your momma can't describe the emotion that I feel every time I look in each of your eyes! Thanksgiving is a time to reflect back on what your thankful for in all areas. There is so much I'm thankful for this year. The one thing that I'm thankful for every year is that God directed my life and your daddy's life so that our paths crossed and we met, fell in love, and started are beautiful family that we always prayed for. Then the next chapter in our lives came y'all....What an amazing chapter. Everyday I get to wake up and hold my angels and listen to their precious stories is a day of Thanksgiving! Your mommy is much more than thankful. My beautiful brown and green eyes of angels everyday I thank God....Happy Thanksgiving

Fall Festival

Every year we love the Scarecrow Festival at Shangri La but this year we went on the day they had their Fall Festival. Scarecrows, face painting, and pumpkin crafts to name a few exciting things on this day. I love all the colors and the feel of the cooler weather approaching. So much fun my angels! We got to take some pumpkins home and enjoy  more crafts with pumpkins! 

Addi Grace, you would not let me take any pictures of you on this day. If I captured a moment of your fun it was only without you knowing. You did have fun and enjoyed the scarecrows and the festival. Maybe one day you will smile easily for mommy's camera?
 I love fall so much for all the fun that comes with this season and it just prepares us for all the Christmas excitement that's right around the corner. I hope my angels remember all the memories that we are making. Enjoying all the little moments that come our way. Sometimes mommy doesn't bring her camera (either on purpose or accidental) I won't have the pictures but my heart soaks all the fun in and locks it up tight. I'm savoring all our traditions and all our precious memories as a family. One day I pray to enjoy your moments with your own families. When that day comes....I couldn't imagine my heart growing any bigger? I love you my angels, and thank you for all our "moments"~

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