Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Just Love

Owe no one anything, except to love each other, 
for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8

Valentine's Day...My absolute favorite! The only reason I can think of why I love this holiday so much is that it's all about LOVE! Of course your mommy loves the colors too...red, pink, and all the colors in between. The chocolates, candies, crafts, and love letters are other reasons I can think of. But a day dedicated to love makes your mommy's heart almost beat out of her chest the whole day! Ever since I was a little girl I would play with babies and pretend to have a family and a beautiful home to live in. God has blessed me with all of my dreams as a little girl! I love my family so much! Family is such an amazing thing...your extended family with grandparents, cousins, and aunt and uncles not forgetting awesome friends we consider family but my beautiful family that God has given me is what keeps my heart beating. Daddy, Alexa, Addi, and Ella! I love...love and everything about it...so why wouldn't this day of LOVE be my favorite?
Addi Grace, at school you didn't have a party that parents could go to, but mommy went to your class to help participate with a craft. We made love bugs! We also brought your awesome teacher her Valentine Gift. Mommy went to lunch one day and asked every student in your class why they loved their teacher? I told them it was a very special surprise for Valentine's Day and to my surprise no one told our secret! So it was a huge surprise! I wrote all the reasons they love your teacher on a heart and signed their name. We decorated a box and called it a "Heart Attack"! She loved it so much she cried!! Mommy cried too and so did your principal who peeked in to watch!! 
Ella Jo, we gave your teacher the same gift but mommy didn't upload any pictures to computer. I will save them in our family album...

I don't think I'll ever forget this moment!! We all LOVE this amazing teacher....what an awesome job!

Our beautiful LOVE BUGS

We made heart shaped bird feeders and gave them to your principals and counselor for this amazing day filled with LOVE! I sure do hope they all know just how much we do LOVE them! Your wonderful school wouldn't be what it is without them all....

After school my sweet Valentine's came home to a decorated sidewalk and porch filled with hearts and came in to a Valentine dining room filled with balloons, chocolates, cookies, and cake! I hope all of your days are filled with the most beautiful thing we could ever offer....LOVE~

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