Friday, April 19, 2013

One Act Play and Fifties Day


This year my talented Alexa was chosen one of the leads for UIL One-Act Play. The name is Smash, a British comedy set in 1910. You play the part of Henrietta and couldn't be more excited and honored for this role. Your mom thinks it's pretty cool because your great grandmother's name was Henrietta. What a beautiful name! The last part of your Christmas break you decided to have your cast over for some pizza and brownies and a little rehearsing. After going over the script you all piled in the living room and watched My Fair Lady to practice on your British Accents. 

After school practices several weeks of critiques and Saturdays in the theater paid off! Y'all prepared for this from January to April and advanced to Area! The first zone my angel you knocked the judges socks off and was awarded UIL Best Actress! Mom cried for days....I think you did too! When advanced to District you were awarded All Star Cast! So very proud but I always knew you were an actress! You are getting ready to show the play to the public and I can't wait to post pictures! 

The Hippo Hop

Celebrating the 100th day of school your class had a Hippo Hop! Mrs. Williams had Fifties music playing, you danced, and of course had root beer floats! Fun times at this awesome pre-school! I have enjoyed this year so much because mommy knows that after this year when you move up to Kindergarten we are thrown in the real world of public school. No prayer before lunch or snack, more kids in the class, and state testing. Right now we are simply having fun and learning while playing. Mommy is excited for every new chapter and looking forward to all the fun we will have but I'm just enjoying the more simple times we are having this year. What an amazing pre-school you have been in and I'm soaking it all in~

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