Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kicking it off!

A Bucket Full of Fun

To get Summer Vacation kicked off right I decided to all sit down as a family and write down ideas we wanted to do this summer! We each took turns till we couldn't think of anything else! We have never done this before but I think we will make this a Summer Vacation kick off party for the Russell family! So much fun even though some of our items were left in the bucket. I think I'm going to leave them there for next year! 

We did our Summer Bucket List in the morning and I don't think Lex was too happy about the time we started...I promise to make it later in the day next year so we don't interrupt beauty sleep.
This made us all get so excited about the summer ahead! Water Park, Zoo, Spa, and Swim Lessons to name a few! Mommy got a new sand bucket and printed the printables off Pinterest! (thank you pinterest)
Looking forward to kicking some things off our bucket list~

Kicking it Off with a picnic in the park

One of the things on our bucket list was a family picnic! Since the weather is so hot with temperatures knocking on 100 degrees, mommy decided to make it a fruit picnic! So much fun...We went to the park and played on the playground until we got too hot and then enjoyed our picnic. Lots of sweet memories girls...I think mommy may want to plan a hot chocolate picnic for winter this year! 

Splish Splash at the Water Park

Alexa Rae was at the water park with us but did not want to be photographed and mommy has learned her lesson that when Lex says that....she means it! We went to this water park several times this summer! Not too far from home and so much fun! Can't wait to return for lots of splashin!

Playing at Pop Paw's Pool

We swam at Pop Paw's Pool at least 2 times a week through the summer. I'm surprised no one got an ear ache! We had some friends meet us there one day and had lunch out by the pool! Just relaxing, soaking up the sun, listening to music and mommy listening to precious giggles....splashing around, turning flips, "Mommy! Watch Me!", sweet conversations while laying out on lawn chairs with Lex....
All these things happen at Pop Paw's Pool! Mommy's excited to go through the rest of all the memories through out this next year but looking forward to more of Pop Paw's Pool!

Sandy Toes

Ok girls, your mommy loves this man so much! (he happens to be your daddy) Looking at this picture my heart starts beating a little faster...I know...gross!! 
For mommy's birthday this year before we had our family dinner we decided to spend a day at the beach! Maw Maw and Paw Paw Russell had a beach cabin where your daddy has so many special memories. We were just beginning our summer memories and even winter memories at this cabin but a hurricane named Ike had other plans and decided to wash it away. We still enjoy the beach but are no longer staying at the Russell cabin. 

What a beautiful day and a beautiful birthday! Sandy toes and sandcastles! We brought so many sea shells home mommy has to decide what to do with them! The beach is such a magical place to your mommy....
It's a place of relaxation but so much more than that. It's where the land ends and the rest continues. It's a place where your mommy can just sit back, close her eyes, smell the air, and just...listen! Set your heart free and enjoy this beautiful world our Savior created for us. It's beautiful girls! Your mommy's wish is for all of you to just sit back, slow down, and enjoy everything it has to offer~

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