Friday, October 7, 2011

Mommy's Sweet Surprise

My precious Ella Jo, you never surprise me but that was NOT the case this morning!
It started off like it always does getting my angels up and heading out the door one by one. This morning was a little bit more rushed only because I had to turn your older sister, Addi, into Pinkalicious for the story book character parade that she was having at her school. I got Miss. Pinkalicious ready and off to school we went. When we got back home from bringing Addi to school mommy got you ready for your day at preschool. You were wearing a cute dress with pink and black flowers so I put a pair of black Cotton shorts on under your dress per school policy. After your mommy got ready we were out the door to bring you to school. Nothing seemed different to me at all. We had our regular sweet conversations that my 3 year old and I normally have the whole way there. We arrived at your school and I walked you to your room. I picked you up to give you a hug and kiss goodbye. Mommy doesn't always pick you up sometimes I bend down to you but thankfully this morning I picked you up and as I was saying goodbye I gave you a quick pat on your hiney and WOW... to my surprise you had a bare hiney!!! I gasped for air and your teacher said...ohhh did y'all forget something? My response was NO! I know she had on black shorts....but you at some point took them off! I looked at you and you gave me a mischievous smile and said "I took them off when I went to the potty and they are at home!" Mommy didn't have time to run and get you another pair because I had to get to Addi's school for the parade! Thank Heavens Mrs. Powell, the principal bought a pack of panties for emergencies and this was one!!!!
Your mommy laughed the whole way to your sisters school and I had little giggles to myself for the rest of the day and I'm sharing my sweet surprise with our friends and family! I'll never forget this one Ella Jo and I can't wait to tell you about it when your older~

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