Saturday, April 23, 2011

Butterfly Fly Away

Happy Earth Day~ 
This year for Earth Day we went to Shangri La to celebrate by releasing butterflies!
The garden had 800 butterflies to release this year. They were shipped to the garden in this envelope where they have been waiting to be released for 48 hours! The instructor told us that when it was time to release them we had to all say "Happy Earth Day!" and then clap our hands to scare any birds away that might want to hurt the butterflies.
I had explained what we were going to do but I don't think either of you fully understood till it happened! Addi Grace you were so eager to open your envelope! Mommy was so proud how you waited so patiently even though it was a very hot day! Ella Jo I think you were getting tired of the waiting and just wanted your daddy to hold you. When it was time to release the butterflies you ran to the front with your sister to participate in the fun. Addi's butterfly flew down to the ground to get some water and Ella's butterfly flew away!
This was such an awesome way to celebrate our Earth with you girls! The innocence that both of you have is something that I will always treasure. Butterflies have such an amazing journey to go through before they can fly away..... just like my precious angels God has given mommy & daddy! All three of you are our beautiful butterflies going through your special journey before you are finally able to fly away~

Ella Jo at first you were surprised that this beautiful creature
had chosen your shoulder to land on....Then...
You had mommy get it off as fast as I could!
Now, you are so very proud to tell everyone you see
that a butterfly landed on your shoulder!

The children's garden was so much fun to walk through! All the beautiful flowers, decorative trees, green houses, and bird houses was such a site to see. Addi Grace every time you walked pass a beautiful area of blooming flowers mommy would watch you closely because I knew that if given a chance you would have the time of your life picking the pretty flowers and making your own bouquet! Thank you Earth for being such a beautiful place to live....


val_sonnier said...

It was such a beautiful day to celebrate! Your girls looked so cute in their matching outfits. Was it not such a magical experience to watch your normally rough and tumble kids handle the little butterflies with such care?!

Jessica said...

I know!! It was more fun than I had imagined! We will definitely go again next year! Shangri La is such a beautiful place! We passed by there today and Ella said "Mommy..I wanna get another butterfly!"