Monday, April 18, 2011

My Beautiful Honey Bear!

My beautiful Lex! Here we go again preparing for another year of Friday night football games, basketball games, fundraising, summer camps, and the best years of your life!
For tryouts this year you were so nervous. I don't know why but you were very emotional and tried your very best!! This was your third time to try out for drill team and I knew you would make it just like the years before but you were still so nervous and couldn't wait to open your letter congratulating you in the 2011~2012 Honey Bears!! I will cherish all the wonderful memories you have given all of us with this time of year! I love watching you and Kristen practicing in the living room. Rearranging all the furniture to make room and your "fans" (little sisters) watching you in awe!! You are such a beautiful dancer and I am so proud to be your mom. Keep lighting up our lives beautiful honey bear!

1 comment:

MrSonnier said...

She is a beautiful Honey Bear!