Saturday, July 2, 2011


It's all God's children singing glory glory hallelujah He reigns

This was our third year to participate with vacation bible school. Mommy and Alexa are crew leaders while Addi & Ella are in preschool activities. This years theme was Pandamania! Lex, when we started VBS on Sunday night you weren't sure how you would like it but I knew that once you got there and got to know the kids you would want to go back all week....and Momma was right! (I won't tell anyone) This year we had a group of 7 4th grade girls and they just fell in love with you! On the first day we spoke about creation and I think you had their heart when you made your animal noises!! I love how you developed a relationship with each girl in the group, and I know the relationships will be there for years to come.
Addi Grace, like always, you had the time of your life! This was your third year with the preschool and you think it's so cool that your teacher is Mrs. Jessica but this year we had another Mrs. Jessica too!! It makes your mommy's heart swell every day when ya'll leave because Mrs. Jessica grabs your sweet hand and says..."Addi, Ella, Jesus loves you!" I love ending the awesome day with those sweet words! You were excited to have your little sister with you this year! I watched you as you took her under your wing to show her what to do in such a loving sister way! This year you missed a day of VBS because you went to your Anna's house to ride horses. I knew that even though you had VBS you would not pass up going to your Anna's! You were able to come back and enjoy the rest of VBS with your sister!!
Ella Jo, this was your first year to be out of the nursery and with preschool. On the first day we passed the nursery and your sweet ladies that had you the years before were so happy to see you moving on but so sad they would not be able to love on you all day! One of mommy's favorite parts of VBS is watching all my angels singing and praising our God! What an awesome thing for a mommy! My little girls, that my Savior blessed me with, standing, singing, and praising our Lord, Jesus Christ, is such an amazing feeling that I want in my heart always! Ella, at the young age you are, your mommy is so proud of how fast you learned the songs and all the hand motions that goes with them. Bible school has been over for a few days now and I will say thru out the day..."God sees you" and all of you will shout..."Thank you God!!" I love it! Ya'll were coloring the pages from your lessons and would take turns saying "God made you"..."Thank you God!"..."God gives good gifts"......"Thank you God!"
My sweet 7 girls that God gave me to watch over during VBS has left such a mark on my heart! Most of them I will see again at church but a couple I will miss terribly! My sweet "feather friends" were so much fun and reminded me how Lex was at that cute age and what I have to look forward to with Addi & Ella! I think of my "feather friends" often and keep them in prayer! They are such beautiful young ladies and I pray that they will grow knowing just how beautiful they are! My sweet "feather friends", Mrs. Jessica loves you so much and my God sighting for the week was having each one of you in my group....
God does give good gifts.....THANK YOU GOD~

Riley Roo, Kayla K, Renna Tommey, Raley, and Ally Alligator

Kids donated money to buy Spanish Bibles for
children. We put the Bibles in these
back packs with a book mark!

Lex & Michael

Ella * Ava * Henry

What an awesome time we had at Bible school this year! I look back at our pictures and memories and I'm so sad it's over! Addi, We were leaving VBS one day and you asked.."Mommy, can Jesus really see me?" I answered "Yes baby, He sure can!" You asked again.."Even in the car?" I again answered, "Yes" You then asked..."Does he wear goggles??" Oh my Addi Grace, I hope you always feel the presense of our God with you my sweet baby girl!  Lex, when we were all sitting at the table together during our hamburger supper to celebrate the last day of VBS, you said..."I don't want it to be over..." and I don't either! I pray that our children at VBS carry all that this awesome experience gave them in their hearts forever! The friendships made, songs learned and sweet Bible stories heard!!
Looking forward to next year~

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